Lit is an important tool in llvm project to do text-based tests. This post records how to use lit in a bazel project. Most of the code are pulled from Tensorflow. I did some modification to make it more convinent to use them in a new project.

For Setting up project based on llvm, please see my previous post:, The full code is in build_llvm_with_bazel, and the bazel helpers here bazel_tools

Basic idea

lit is basically a python library, so natually bazel's py_test is used to run lit tests. All extra works are setting up the configuration required by lit main function, mostly just setting up path to your binary and test files.

Prepare files

Need to add several files into your project.


    • Location: Put this file at the root of the folder of mlir related code. For example, src/
    • Modify: add your own tools to tool_names lit/
# Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Lit runner configuration."""

import os
import platform
import sys
import lit.formats
from lit.llvm import llvm_config
from lit.llvm.subst import ToolSubst

# Lint for undefined variables is disabled as config is not defined inside this
# file, instead config is injected by way of evaluating from
# which in turn is evaluated by The structure is
# common for lit tests and intended to only persist temporarily (b/136126535).
# pylint: disable=undefined-variable
# Configuration file for the 'lit' test runner.

# name: The name of this test suite. = 'MLIR ' + os.path.basename(config.mlir_test_dir)

config.test_format = lit.formats.ShTest(not llvm_config.use_lit_shell)

# suffixes: A list of file extensions to treat as test files.
config.suffixes = ['.cc', '.hlo', '.hlotxt', '.json', '.mlir', '.pbtxt', '.py']

# test_source_root: The root path where tests are located.
config.test_source_root = config.mlir_test_dir

# test_exec_root: The root path where tests should be run.
config.test_exec_root = os.environ['RUNFILES_DIR']

if platform.system() == 'Windows':
    tool_patterns = [
        ToolSubst('FileCheck.exe', unresolved='fatal'),
        #  Handle these specially as they are strings searched for during testing.
        ToolSubst('count.exe', unresolved='fatal'),
        ToolSubst('not.exe', unresolved='fatal')

        ('%python', '"%s"' % (sys.executable)))


    ('%tfrt_bindir', 'tensorflow/compiler/aot'))

# Tweak the PATH to include the tools dir.
llvm_config.with_environment('PATH', config.llvm_tools_dir, append_path=True)

tool_dirs = config.mlir_custom_tools_dirs + [
    config.mlir_tools_dir, config.llvm_tools_dir

# need modify
tool_names = [
    ## add your own tools
tools = [ToolSubst(s, unresolved='ignore') for s in tool_names]
llvm_config.add_tool_substitutions(tools, tool_dirs)
# pylint: enable=undefined-variable

    • Location: Put this file at the root of the folder of mlir related code, same with
    • Modify: see need modify in the code


import os
import platform
import lit.llvm

## ================ need modify ================
mlir_custom_tools_dirs = [
# the folder contains all test files
tests_root_dir = 'src/'
# file path
runlit_cfg_py_path = "src/"
## ================ need modify end ================

# Handle the test srcdir for platforms. On windows, things are weird with bazel.
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
  srcdir = os.environ['TEST_SRCDIR']
  real_test_srcdir = srcdir[:srcdir.find(tests_root_dir)]
  external_srcdir = os.path.join(real_test_srcdir, 'external')
  real_test_srcdir = os.environ['TEST_SRCDIR']
  external_srcdir = real_test_srcdir

# Lint for undefined variables is disabled as config is not defined inside this
# file, instead config is injected by The structure is common for lit
# tests and intended to only persist temporarily (b/136126535).
# pylint: disable=undefined-variable
config.llvm_tools_dir = os.path.join(external_srcdir, 'llvm-project', 'llvm')
config.mlir_obj_root = os.path.join(real_test_srcdir)
config.mlir_tools_dir = os.path.join(external_srcdir, 'llvm-project', 'mlir')
# TODO(jpienaar): Replace with suffices in build rule.
config.suffixes = ['.td', '.mlir', '.pbtxt']

config.mlir_custom_tools_dirs = [
    os.path.join(real_test_srcdir, os.environ['TEST_WORKSPACE'], s)
    for s in mlir_custom_tools_dirs

test_dir = os.environ['TEST_TARGET']
test_dir = test_dir.strip('/').rsplit(':', 1)[0]
config.mlir_test_dir = os.path.join(real_test_srcdir,
                                    os.environ['TEST_WORKSPACE'], test_dir)

if platform.system() == 'Windows':
  # Configure this to work with msys2, TF's preferred windows bash.
  config.lit_tools_dir = '/usr/bin'

lit.llvm.initialize(lit_config, config)

# Let the main config do the real work.
        os.path.join(real_test_srcdir, os.environ['TEST_WORKSPACE'],
# pylint: enable=undefined-variable
  1. glob_lit_test.bzl Location: anywhere you like in the workspace. For example, third_party/bazel_build/lit/glob_lit_test.bzl Modification: None third_party/bazel_tools/lit/glob_lit_test.bzl
# Test definitions for Lit, the LLVM test runner.
# This is reusing the LLVM Lit test runner in the interim until the new build
# rules are upstreamed.
# TODO(b/136126535): remove this custom rule.
"""Lit runner globbing test

load("@bazel_skylib//lib:paths.bzl", "paths")

# Default values used by the test runner.
_default_test_file_exts = ["mlir", ".pbtxt", ".td"]
_default_driver = "@llvm-project//"
_default_size = "small"
_default_tags = []

# These are patterns which we should never match, for tests, subdirectories, or
# test input data files.
 # Exclude input files that have spaces in their names, since bazel
 # cannot cope with such "targets" in the srcs list.
 "**/* *",
 "**/* */**",

def _run_lit_test(name, data, lit_path, size, tags, driver, features, exec_properties):
 """Runs lit on all tests it can find in `data` under tensorflow/compiler/mlir.

 Note that, due to Bazel's hermetic builds, lit only sees the tests that
 are included in the `data` parameter, regardless of what other tests might
 exist in the directory searched.

   name: str, the name of the test, including extension.
   data: [str], the data input to the test.
   lit_path: [str], the path to put lit files, start from root folder
   size: str, the size of the test.
   tags: [str], tags to attach to the test.
   driver: str, label of the driver shell script.
           Note: use of a custom driver is not currently supported
           and specifying a default driver will abort the tests.
   features: [str], list of extra features to enable.

 # Disable tests on windows for now, to enable testing rest of all xla and mlir.
     name = name,
     srcs = ["@llvm-project//llvm:lit"],
     tags = tags + ["no_pip", "no_windows"],
     args = [
         lit_path + "/" + paths.basename(data[-1]) + " --config-prefix=runlit -v",
     ] + features,
     data = data + [
     #        deps = ["@pypi_lit//:pkg"],
     size = size,
     main = "",
     exec_properties = exec_properties,

def glob_lit_tests(
     name = None,
     lit_path = None,
     exclude = [],
     test_file_exts = _default_test_file_exts,
     default_size = _default_size,
     size_override = {},
     data = [],
     per_test_extra_data = {},
     default_tags = _default_tags,
     tags_override = {},
     driver = _default_driver,
     features = [],
     exec_properties = {}):
 """Creates all plausible Lit tests (and their inputs) under this directory.

   name: str, name of the test_suite rule to generate for running all tests.
   exclude: [str], paths to exclude (for tests and inputs).
   test_file_exts: [str], extensions for files that are tests.
   default_size: str, the test size for targets not in "size_override".
   size_override: {str: str}, sizes to use for specific tests.
   data: [str], additional input data to the test.
   per_test_extra_data: {str: [str]}, extra data to attach to a given file.
   default_tags: [str], additional tags to attach to the test.
   tags_override: {str: str}, tags to add to specific tests.
   driver: str, label of the driver shell script.
           Note: use of a custom driver is not currently supported
           and specifying a default driver will abort the tests.
   features: [str], list of extra features to enable.
   exec_properties: a dictionary of properties to pass on.

 # Ignore some patterns by default for tests and input data.
 exclude = _ALWAYS_EXCLUDE + exclude

 tests = native.glob(
     ["*." + ext for ext in test_file_exts],
     exclude = exclude,

 # Run tests individually such that errors can be attributed to a specific
 # failure.
 all_tests = []
 for curr_test in tests:
     all_tests.append(curr_test + ".test")

     # Instantiate this test with updated parameters.
         name = curr_test + ".test",
         data = data + [curr_test] + per_test_extra_data.get(curr_test, []),
         lit_path = lit_path,
         size = size_override.get(curr_test, default_size),
         tags = default_tags + tags_override.get(curr_test, []),
         driver = driver,
         features = features,
         exec_properties = exec_properties,

 # TODO: remove this check after making it a required param.
 if name:
         name = name,
         tests = all_tests,
         tags = ["manual"],
  1. define a function in your project calling the lit_test function. Set lit_path to the dir with


    load("//third_party/bazel_tools/lit:glob_lit_test.bzl", "glob_lit_tests")
    def custom_lit_tests(name, data = []):
        name = name,
        lit_path = "src",
        data = data + [
            # other binary here
  2. Add litfile to root path BUILD file


    name = "litfiles",
    srcs = glob(["runlit*py"]),
    visibility = ["//src:__subpackages__"],

Run lit tests

Create src/test for all .mlir tests.


load("//src:custom_lit_tests.bzl", "custom_lit_tests")

name = "tests"

Copy a simple test from mlir math dialect.


// RUN: custom-mlir-opt %s | custom-mlir-opt | FileCheck %s

// CHECK-LABEL: func @atan(
// CHECK-SAME:             %[[F:.*]]: f32, %[[V:.*]]: vector<4xf32>, %[[T:.*]]: tensor<4x4x?xf32>)
func.func @atan(%f: f32, %v: vector<4xf32>, %t: tensor<4x4x?xf32>) {
// CHECK: %{{.*}} = math.atan %[[F]] : f32
%0 = math.atan %f : f32
// CHECK: %{{.*}} = math.atan %[[V]] : vector<4xf32>
%1 = math.atan %v : vector<4xf32>
// CHECK: %{{.*}} = math.atan %[[T]] : tensor<4x4x?xf32>
%2 = math.atan %t : tensor<4x4x?xf32>

Run the test

bazel test --config=geric_gcc //src/test:all